The assembly manual includes a wealth of information about your item. It provides the unique model number, when and where the product was made, and the part numbers for each individual part. It quickly provides our Consumer Relations team with everything we need to assist with parts or address assembly questions.
In a perfect world, manufacturers would always include assembly manuals within the box and customers would safely file them away with titles, insurance policies, and other important paperwork. Despite our best efforts though, sometimes assembly manuals are not within reach when a part is needed and that can make a simple request slightly more difficult.
In most cases, this can be resolved by utilizing the Assembly Manual Search, which includes copies of the most recent versions of our products. Ideally, we would want to verify your version using a pack date, as this takes any guesswork out of the equation. In the absence of the assembly manual, pack dates are included on the shipping box, and often on a sticker located on the back panel of the item. When the pack date is not available, we will usually send out needed parts from the most recent version. It is a guess but is the most likely solution. If these do not resolve the issue, we can see if parts for the previous version of your unit are available.