In most cases, we can ship the part needed or provide direction if it is unavailable. Regardless of how a parts order is placed, we must have the following information:
- Model number
- Place of purchase and date of purchase
- The full part number - found at the beginning of the assembly instructions. This is different from the single identification letter or number assigned to the part
- Your contact information: full name, address, email, and phone number
Important Note:
- Before ordering replacement parts, please conduct a full inventory to ensure that you have everything you need to complete assembly.
- Please do not attempt to build the unit with or around damaged or missing parts. It may affect the stability and longevity of the furniture.
If you have the assembly instructions on hand, you can quickly and efficiently order your own parts.
Things to Know:
- The self-service form includes a lot of examples in blue text of where to find this information, which is helpful if you need a visual.
- A parts order does not guarantee availability. We will email you after your parts order has been processed or offer further instructions if something is out of stock.
- Click the link to get started: self-service
Customer Service Team:
We can be reached in one of three ways:
- By email:
- By phone: 1-800-489-3351
- By chat: Click on the in the lower right corner.
You can also follow these links for assistance locating the part number or for step-by-step instructions for the self-service portal.